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Northside Church
a group of people building a house

Metro Atlanta Project

Metro Atlanta Project 2025

Tuesday, July 15 — Saturday, July 19

Metro Atlanta Project (MAP) is a week-long mission project that works to rebuild the city, one life at a time. Students participate in construction projects and non-profit site visits each day, as well as fellowship and worship each night. 

You will find preliminary information below about how you can be part of MAP. We will update this page as more information becomes available. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions, concerns, or ways you know you would like to participate, email our MAP Director, Elisabeth Shabi, at

Student Registration opens on February 2! Adult Registration coming soon.

Students & Parents

Registration is required and open to all students who have completed grades 6-12. The cost is $350 per student. Please know that while we make every effort to keep the costs down, MAP is primarily a service project. Mission work — particularly construction — is expensive. Consider this an investment in our greater Atlanta community. MAP costs us much more than what is covered by registration. If you are able to donate beyond the registration fee in order to offset costs, we would be grate. Visit our giving page and choose "Metro Atlanta Project" as the fund.

We offer sibling discounts as well as full scholarships. Email for discount codes.

Tour Guides

Tour Guides are our participant leaders! This role is open to students in grades 10-12. Tour Guides are required to do extra training prior to MAP week. Tour Guides also have the privilege of spending the night at the church during MAP. The purpose of our Tour Guides is to act as leaders for their teams and role models in faith for all students. Tour Guide applications will be available soon. All applicants must be registered for MAP prior to applying.


Check back soon for more information on possible MAP internships. 

Adult Volunteers

MAP is not possible without the support of our adult volunteers. We have roles ranging from hour-long commitments to all-day — or all-night — shifts! The main purpose of our adult volunteers is to support, guide, and model service for our youth. If you are committed to helping our teens feel part of a loving church family, we have a role for you!

Corporate Sponsors

Since 1999, MAP has served individuals from all over the greater Atlanta community. While MAP provides students with service and leadership opportunities, it also grows their knowledge of the word of God, creates a stronger church community, and helps those in need around Atlanta, specifically the Adamsville community this year. MAP relies on the generous contributions of our corporate sponsors. More information will be available soon about the levels of giving and the various ways we thank and acknowledge our sponsors. We are grateful for various types of donations including meals, supplies, and financial contributions.