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Northside Church
a group of people on a stage

Know The Love of God

Whether you are brand new to church or looking for a place to call home, you are welcomed here. We seek to make Sunday worship a comforting, thought-provoking, and heartfelt experience. Each service provides a unique atmosphere, with engaging music, uplifting prayer, and relevant teaching based on scripture. Find your place with us at Northside!

Worship Services

We are delighted to offer both online and in-person worship. Join us on campus or use the links below to watch live. You can also find our archive of worship videos via these links.

a group of people in a church.

Traditional Worship

8:30 & 11:15AM

Northside’s Traditional service is held in our beautiful Sanctuary and offers a robust liturgy, which includes a responsive call to worship, affirmations of faith, prayers of the people, organ-led hymns, choral anthems, and a scripture-based sermon.

a group of people on a stage.

Contemporary Worship

Watson Faith & Arts Center

Our Contemporary service mixes modern worship with a pedal steel, strings, and horn-driven blend of classic country and Muscle Shoals-era soul music. This come-as-you-are service takes place in our state-of-the-art Watson Faith & Arts Center.

What We Believe

We worship one God as the three divine Persons of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is truly God and truly human. We praise God’s goodness shown in Christ’s self-offering, which involved his life, crucifixion, and death, and resurrection.

We emphasize the work of God in bringing men and women to conviction (knowledge of our need for God’s grace), to conversion (pardon from sin that comes by faith in Christ as a gift from God), and to Christian holiness (growing in the likeness of God, as we are empowered by God’s grace, both as individuals and as communities). We also believe that the grace of God is available to all persons.

Special Worship Opportunities

a table with plates and glasses.


The table of Holy Communion is Christ’s table, not the table of The United Methodist Church. The table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ’s love and lead a new life of peace and love. Holy Communion is offered periodically throughout the year on Sunday mornings and during the week.

If you are interested in knowing when the Sacrament will be served or if you desire to receive at home, contact Rev. Douglas Herlong.

Email Rev. Douglas
a group of people laughing.


Throughout the seasons of Lent (the forty days prior to Easter) and Advent (the four weeks prior to Christmas), we have a variety of opportunities and events where you can engage the season in heartfelt, meaningful ways. These include special evening worship services, musical celebrations, daily devotionals, mission projects, and themed children’s activities.

To find more details, visit our Calendar.

a couple of chairs in church a room.

Prayer Chapel

The Prayer Chapel at Northside was designed to be a place that is totally devoted to prayer, inspired by Proverbs 18:10: “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” The Prayer Chapel exists for the whole community so that anyone may come and pray.

The Prayer Chapel is open daily from 7:00AM until the main building closes in the evening.

Contact Pastoral Care
a man holding a baby.


When parents present their child for Christian baptism, they are pledging to join with the church in a responsibility that is both sacred and rewarding. Baptism is a sacrament, a means of grace, and a sign of the child’s inclusion, care, and nurture into Christ’s holy Church. In this grace, the child grows in faith, love, and the knowledge that he or she is a child of God.

To schedule a baptism, please fill out the baptism request form below or contact Melody Brown at 678.298.5042.

Baptism Request
a large church with many pews.


Northside is a wonderful place to worship, and we have hosted many weddings in our beautiful Sanctuary and Chapel. In the United Methodist Church, weddings are a worship service and covenant before God. We look forward to being of assistance to you in this most important event.

To discuss dates and fees for members and nonmembers, please email Click here to see our Wedding Policies book and download the necessary wedding forms.

Wedding Information
a cross on a wall.


We know that the passing of a loved one can be devastating. Our Pastoral staff is here to provide comfort and reassurance during these days of grief, remembrance, and celebration.

When a church member or a loved one passes away, contact Melody Brown at 678.298.5042.

Email Melody